Friday, March 21, 2008


Sorry for this super long wait... So much to do this week... My reason for this post is to... Well, i have many reasonslets do it one by one...

First, i think i need to help Samantha say sorry to those who were in at the Hockey match... I know maybe some of you may think that she mean to you or whatsoever. She feels sory and know that she has done wrong... So i hope that all of you would be able to forgive her... She sent out smses to say that she was sorry and i received one myself.. For those who did not receive it, i hope that you see this and would forgive her... I know that 2C is a class that forgives and forgets.. :)

The next thing, Homework and reminders.. This is always a must do when i post... :)

For the long weekend we have for HOMEWORK,
1) Art
2) D&T
3)EFL reflection sheet [For those who have not handed up your reflection]
4) zuo ye 13 [for those in Ms Lee chinese class]
5)Math 1 [For those in Ms Chan class and have not handed up your book yet]
6) CME Write on what you think you improved on based on 5Cs [do not need to write all just one] and what you could have done differently.

Next up: Reminders
1) Funfair coupons
2)Parent-Teacher-Conference reply slip
3) Hand up reflection for EFL
4)Bring 1 storybook and 2 cans of food for funfair.
5) Bring $20 for class t shirt. If there is a change in price, we will return you the difference.

I think thats all for this week... :) Now, for some extras...

1) Congrates to Kristine and Si Jia for getting the Theresian Awards Day.
2) Let us welcome Contessa back from her training and competition overseas... :)
3) Inter class hockey competition: Even though we didn't get into the finals... I hope that everyone had a fun time playing.

Ok ppl, i will stop here for now... :) See guys in school. :)


Thursday, January 31, 2008

More reminders

Haha!! Hello, everyone... I hope that all of you enjoyed today's house practice... :) Even though the gears are smelly, i know that ok... After all the fun, i hope that you have enough energy left to do some homework.. Hehe...


1)Literature Project due on the 4th of Feb. [This coming monday]
2) Maths homework [for those in ms chan class]
3) Chinses comprehension do one question only.. [for those in Mdm Lim's chinese class]
4) Art [due on 13 Feb]

Thats all for homework... Next is reminders...


1) Please bring more red plastic bags to make the roses for the chinese new year decoration.
2) Pls bring a photocopy of your passport.
3) Bring advertisment for English.
4) bring the return slip for the fun fair.
5) Bring PSG form, nil return required.
6) Bring more materials for the Chinese new year decoration.
7) Those who is drawing the chinese new year animals pls pass it to me by Friday which is tomorrow. [I know its very fast but i need to do somethings to it.]

I think thats all for the reminders... :) Oh ya some things to say to some people... Firstly, congrats to all our class nominated councillors.. I hope that you are happy and you would serve the school well. Secondly, thank you to those who helped me to decorate the board [though i know one of them is not really done up.] Thirdly, thank you for all those that helped me with the animals for the chinese new year. I think thats all for thanks and all for now... Cya ya.. :)


Thursday, January 24, 2008


Hello... Lindy here... Going to post today, 24 January's homework...
1) Geography map due tomorrow. If late one day, minus 1 mark...
2) Science Loud Asia. The reflection.
3)Physics workbook the small one.. Sound...

There is no homwork for Ms Chan's class.. I think thats all...

May i remind all of you that you are to bring at least one can drink [drank already and washed] for the chinese new year decoration. The latest is on Friday. For those drawing the zodic sign, pls pass your drawing to either me or Cassandra Quek. Make sure your animal is either in green, red or orange as these are the theme colours for the door. Pls do so by Thursday, 31 of January. Thank you...

I think that is all for today... One more thing.. Good luck to all councillors for their election tomorrow... Whether you get in or not you are the best.. :) The whole of 2C would be voting and rooting for you... :) Im sure you did your best for the campaign.. So good luck to all.. :) Thats all... Bye for now!!! :)


Friday, January 11, 2008

ello ello..

Right.. Maybe some of you may not know who am i. Im lindy! I got the password from Si Jia... Haha!!

Here are a few things to remind all of you...

1) Remember to bring materials for the Chinese new year door decoration eg past year calanders, coke cans and stuff like that.
2) Remember to sign your EFL forms and return them.
3) Think about the things that you want us to sell at the fun fair!! :)
I think thats all!! And dun forget, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!

For counsellors, remember to do your speeches!! 2C would rooting for you all!! :) One thing for you guys, remember to get more wraping paper or wall paper to do the board... :) Thanks so much!! Thats all for today...

Remember 2C vote for your counsellors!! :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Today's HOMeW0Rk =0=

1. Maths(Ms Chan), do Ex.1.1, Q12

2.Literature, Qs on, by Wednesday.
Hi People...

I had juz made this class blog...

Hope everyone will have a nice time here!!!

I will give your the user name and password personally

if you want to edit too.

We will put homework and important announcement here too...