Thursday, January 31, 2008

More reminders

Haha!! Hello, everyone... I hope that all of you enjoyed today's house practice... :) Even though the gears are smelly, i know that ok... After all the fun, i hope that you have enough energy left to do some homework.. Hehe...


1)Literature Project due on the 4th of Feb. [This coming monday]
2) Maths homework [for those in ms chan class]
3) Chinses comprehension do one question only.. [for those in Mdm Lim's chinese class]
4) Art [due on 13 Feb]

Thats all for homework... Next is reminders...


1) Please bring more red plastic bags to make the roses for the chinese new year decoration.
2) Pls bring a photocopy of your passport.
3) Bring advertisment for English.
4) bring the return slip for the fun fair.
5) Bring PSG form, nil return required.
6) Bring more materials for the Chinese new year decoration.
7) Those who is drawing the chinese new year animals pls pass it to me by Friday which is tomorrow. [I know its very fast but i need to do somethings to it.]

I think thats all for the reminders... :) Oh ya some things to say to some people... Firstly, congrats to all our class nominated councillors.. I hope that you are happy and you would serve the school well. Secondly, thank you to those who helped me to decorate the board [though i know one of them is not really done up.] Thirdly, thank you for all those that helped me with the animals for the chinese new year. I think thats all for thanks and all for now... Cya ya.. :)



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